"Then what time is it going to be?"
"Halloween time!"
"Then what time is it going to be?"
"Thanksgiving time!"
"Then what time is it going to be?"
(return to the hushed tone- we'd hate to jinx this one either) "It's go be Chrismas time!" (his pronunciation)
Well, Wilson, "Then what time will it be?"
And so, now here we are. 3rd birthday behind us, costume made and not worn, turkey eaten, and a few sparkly things and manger scenes are starting to find their way out of boxes, so, Miller time must be upon us! We have almost gotten her room together and last night Wilson went to his big brother class at the hospital. Following are a few pictures of our preparation for Miller time!
Phil's doing quite nicely with that bottle!
Here they are learning how to diaper a baby. I love that Dad is intently watching the instructor, like he's never done it before!
Wilson thought Rocco in a diaper was hilarious
Next, they got to try on doctor clothes- well Wilson graciously let Daddy play with his.

Here they are looking at all the new babies- 10 were born yesterday!

Feeling how warm the infant warmer in the delivery room is
Wilson getting his certificate
Showing off his new skills
Some of the Christmas decorations at the hospital- they had a life size nativity set up

And . . . the highlight of the evening, ice cream in the lobby of the hospital
(should you come to visit while we're there- you'll know where to find Wilson!)

Helping Daddy get Miller's bed put together.
(should you come to visit while we're there- you'll know where to find Wilson!)
and in case you're wondering, those one hump camels made a one hump p... well, you know.
We are being educated on these camels as the Nativity sets are coming out at our house per Wilson. Y'all are sooooo funny!
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