Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
2 Peter 3:18

Monday, October 26, 2009

"Let's just go slap John"

This is a quote from a family friend upon hearing of the adventures of John one summer while he was in high school. You know everyday run of the mill stuff like scuba diving in the Keys or canoeing in Canada. Imagine the assault should he be regaled with tails of the last few months of Baby John's life in Alaska. Fishing, spending time on the boats of The Deadliest Catch, tracking wild bear, freezing his hiny off, and just basically living the life. Below are a few pictures he's shared with me. I figured you'd rather see his adventures- mine involve playing guess that smell in Wilson's dirty clothes hamper and trying to beat my personal best paper towel usage in scrubbing down Miller's place at the dinner table. Yeah, it's a real uncharted frontier around here. . .

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1 comment:

Lauren Hayes said...

good John has come a long way from the days of the explosive (water that is)diapers!!!! He's such a handsome fella!!!!