Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
2 Peter 3:18

Saturday, November 24, 2007

On a side note

I want to apologize for the following two posts being lengthy and without pictures (and now that I'm going back over this one, that it turned out equally as long). I know I get bored easily with a lot of reading and can do without blogs that are a lot of blahhbady, blah, blah, blah and no visual aid to help guide you through. In my mind I have great pictures to accompany much of the Goodbye 215 post, but just can't find some of them and quite frankly, don't have the time yet to put together a montage. I really just wanted to be sure that I captured what's been going through my head the over the past couple of weeks and months and a sort of stream of conscience conversation Phil and I had as we walked through our old house the last day we owned it. It is so hard to believe how much can transpire over 5 short years. I also want to apologize for the negative tone of the Hello 701. We are making progress with almost every box being unpacked and cans of paint waiting to be spread in each bedroom. However, I really wanted to have some of the down moments that we've experienced in writing, because I know, in 30 years or so, we might be moving from here and the memories will be 6 fold or more. Then, when I'm crying my way through not only baby memories, but elementary, high school, and college ones, too and looking around at all the hard work we've put in, I'll be able to have something to pull up to remind me I didn't always love here. But I have a feeling, it will be of no consequence. This will become home and will hold the majority of my family's life and times. As unsure as we are some days, I know one day I'll wonder what we were so scared of and frustrated over. I might even laugh about it all!

*Note to self in 2037 or upon moving day from 701, whichever comes first: click here (assuming we're still using these things called computers and are surfing the internet!)

I also want to take a minute to thank all of our family and friends who have moved boxes, loaned trucks, cleaned things, cooked things, unpacked things, and helped keep Wilson busy so that he hasn't even skipped a beat (or been dragged down by a mamma who's more that skipped a beat- there have been times that my whole record's been scratched!) We absolutely could not have gotten this far without you and you are what is making our house a home already.

Mostly, I want to thank my sweet husband for his tireless work around here. I, of course, am more easily tired out and emmotional these days. It has been tough for me to let go of the reigns and let everyone work for me, and he has had to pick up most of the pieces of that frustration. He's looked for projects to do, asked what I want done most right now, done his very best to make it happen, then come back and asked for more instructions. He's tried to think up things that he can do to make it feel more like home for me. He's also kept an eye on Wilson while I've rested and entrusted those 3 year old hands with some of his most prized posessions- his childhood cars and trucks. I know he's worn out as well, but keeps going (I also know it's been hard for him to let go of the reigns on how you're "supposed" to play with a lot of those cars and trucks, but he's done it anyway.) Wilson thanks you too, Daddy.

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