If you go to my "favorite blogs" tab you'll find
No Greater Joy Mom. Oh my goodness- what an amazing woman and family. They have seven children- four were adopted with some pretty significant special needs. Their stories of what having a family can do for someone with "special needs" are inspiring and truly an example of what happens when you allow God to break your heart for what breaks His. Ad
éye is also an unbelievable advocate for orphans. Read a few posts of her blog and you'll be astounded at what the Lord has done for some pretty desperate adoptive parents trying to get their little ones home through her blog. Right now she is trying to get
a little boy in Russia named Vanya's adoption funded so that all he'll need is a family to commit to him. He's an older child and will be transferred from his orphanage to a much worse place if he's not placed with a family soon. She's raised over $9000 from complete strangers in a matter of days- what a blessing for this little boy and his family! Please check out her post. "Chip In" (at the top of her blog) $5, $10, whatever you feel led and watch the Lord will do. Also spread the word on your blog or facebook. She has got some pretty awesome giveaways up for grabs. Just comment that you chipped in, blogged, and/or facebooked about Vanya. Leave a comment for each way you helped- you'll get an entry for each. As important as each of these steps is please also pray for the family he's waiting on. Is it you? Is it a friend of yours? Pray that this family will answer God's calling to place orphans with families soon!
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