Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
2 Peter 3:18

Friday, December 10, 2010

11 months

Baby Girl, today you are 11 months old!  Hard to believe you'll be a year next month.  Today was big day for our family.  We heard from Holt International that YOU are going to be a part of our family.  We will be getting a bunch of paperwork next week that will make it all official.  We told your grandparents and Wilson and Miller. Everyone is excited- especially Miller.  She looks at your picture and says "there's my baby sister" with the biggest grin on her face.  She's planning where your bed will go in the room you'll share and she's even given you a name, Cruella.  I wouldn't take that the wrong way- she LOVES the bad guys in movies, it's more a term of endearment.  Plus she's not even three yet, I'm sure she'll have forgotten all about it by the time you're both in high school!!

For the first time I'm truly sad about missing out on your first year.  Until I held a picture of your little face knowing that you'd be my third child, I just accepted that that was part of inter country adoption.  We would miss out on a lot of firsts, but we'd get to hold your hand through many more.  But it's finally hitting home that you've been growing and learning for a whole year without your mamma, daddy, and big brother and sister to cheer you on!  Miller keeps talking about she's going to take care of you, which warms my heart. But then I realize you're going to get here and be a head strong toddler and probably won't want a whole lot of help from your sister!  Please indulge her a little :)  Although, I'm thrilled to hear how well you're developing and how "on schedule" you are, there's a little ache that I've missed your first smile, roll, time sitting up, crawl, pull up, and cruise.  To have been born a few weeks too early- you have accomplished A LOT in your almost first year.  You're making your mamma proud and sad all at the same time.  AND I HAVEN'T EVEN MET YOU YET!!

I can't wait to get an update on you and new pictures- I also can't wait to share what we have with the world.  I guess I'll just have to, but I'm dying for EVERYONE to see how beautiful you are so they can gush with us!

Happy 11 months!  Can't wait so see you and tell you in person.

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